Return Policy
You may return your purchase for a refund within 15
days of the delivery date. Please email us at stating the reason for
the return and we will provide you with a return
authorization number and the address for returns.
Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable.
If you would like to order a different product, you will
need to place a new order through our website.
Please return your purchase in its original condition
and packaging, if possible, and most importantly,
please include your name, address and authorization
number in the package so that you can receive proper
credit for the returned item. You may want to insure
your return. We can not be responsible for lost or
misdirected returns.
If you paid for your order by credit card, a credit will
be issued and will appear on your billing statement.
Please note that your credit card company may take
one to two billing cycles to show the credit on your
If you have any questions regarding your order, feel
free to contact us at